The next morning, we headed out for our morning game drive (6:30 AM). Sam wanted to look for the lions that he had heard that morning.  We followed lion tracks for quite a while.  Sam kept reassuring us they were fresh from thar morning.  Finally he announced that the lions were being followed by a large truck.  Then he announced that the truck had slowed down.  We came around the corner, to find a large truck pulled off to the side waving us by. and there were the lions.

The next morning, we headed out for our morning game drive (6:30 AM). Sam wanted to look for the lions that he had heard that morning. We followed lion tracks for quite a while. Sam kept reassuring us they were fresh from thar morning. Finally he announced that the lions were being followed by a large truck. Then he announced that the truck had slowed down. We came around the corner, to find a large truck pulled off to the side waving us by. and there were the lions.
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