Down the river is the site of another troglodytic (cliff) settlement called the Madeline.  In the 10th century, there was a series of these settlements all the way down the river, on both sides of the valley.  During the Viking raids, they could spot the enemy coming and sound the alarm. The signal was passed from one settlement to another.  They were able to warn people 20 km away in only 6 minutes.  This gave the men time to get in from the fields and take shelter.  These ruins and church are from the Middle Ages.

Down the river is the site of another troglodytic (cliff) settlement called the Madeline. In the 10th century, there was a series of these settlements all the way down the river, on both sides of the valley. During the Viking raids, they could spot the enemy coming and sound the alarm. The signal was passed from one settlement to another. They were able to warn people 20 km away in only 6 minutes. This gave the men time to get in from the fields and take shelter. These ruins and church are from the Middle Ages.
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