About a 10 minute walk uphill from the International Rose Test Garden is the Japanese Gardens. There’s an entry fee (less than $10). The garden doesn’t take up that much space – it’s fairly compact. It took us less than an hour to wander around. Of course, we had just come back from Asia, where we saw a similar style of gardens that put these gardens to shame. There’s lots of photo ops, with streams, a koi pond, bamboo, sand gardens, and traditionally styled buildings. Part of the garden is wheelchair accessible.
- The map of the Japanese Garden
- The Flat Garden
- The Strolling Pond Garden
- Close to the Tea Garden
- The Waterfall in the Strolling Pond Garden
- The Sand and Stone Garden
I’ve never asked them how they keep the sand weeded. But they probably rake it so often that the routine keeps it clean.
At country clubs, I remember the sand trap / bunkers keeping weed free from daily raking.
The moss in this garden should be premium in the next month.
M. D. Vaden